Jacob Espinoza and Kyle Atkinson have teamed up to throw a New Year's Eve Party for the kids of Salem, Oregon. The children must be preschool through elementary and accompanied by their parents or guardian. The party starts at 6:00pm and will countdown to 8:00pm since most kids have an early bedtime.
First and foremost, a huge thank you to the sponsors, Dutch Bros. Coffee, Legacy Real Estate, and Enlightened Theatrics (Grand Theater).
Event: Salem Kids New Year's Eve Party
Place: Grand Theatre Ballroom in downtown Salem, Oregon
Address: 191 High St. NE, Salem, OR 97301
Date and Time: December 31, 2019, 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Ticket price: Adults $10.00, Kids $10.00 (includes food, drinks, games, etc)
Bring your family for a good time! Activities are being created for the kids. There will be a DJ; dancing; hot-chocolate bar; amazing photo booth; free food/snacks/drinks; arts and crafts; 8pm countdown; balloon drop and a few surprises! Don't miss watching your kids bring in the new year at 8pm!
Link to purchase tickets:
This fun and exciting event is to benefit two non-profit organizations that have made a huge impact in the Salem Community. Salem Hoops Project and Family Building Blocks have helped many kids and families for many years. Both programs are non-profit organizations - 501 (c) (3).
Salem Hoops Project free basketball clinics are held at South Salem High School.
Salem Hoops Project - Mission: quoted from www.salemhoopsproject.org
Founded in 2011, no child should be limited from opportunities because of financial limitations. The aim is to provide organized basketball training through the use of donors and volunteers. While basketball may simply be a sport, it also provides youth with a positive environment to develop life skills. Athletics, if used correctly can be a gateway to achievement in all aspects of life. The Salem Hoops Project provides area youth with a place to develop life skills, personal growth, and a sense of community using the game of basketball as a source of inspiration. The driving force behind this program is the example of love provided by our Savior Jesus Christ.
Family Building Blocks - Mission: quoted from www.familybuildingblocks.org
Founded in 1997, a certified relief nursery committed to keeping children safe and families together in Marion and Polk Counties. The organization has a method to help prevent stressors. To focus on prevention, we partner with families having the greatest needs to provide high-quality, critical, and voluntary services. Eligibility is based on stressors and placement is prioritized by need. Family Building Blocks offers support for parents to form strong bonds with their children and increase their readiness for their future. We believe all parents want to give their children the best possible start in life.
This children's New Year's Eve event is highly recommended. No pressure for kids to go out and perform, simply just come out and have fun. As parents, I don't know of anything that makes us happier than to see our children have fun in a positive and family-fun environment.
See you and your kids there! :-)
If you have any kind of questions, please contact, Jacob Espinoza at: Hijacob@jacobespinoza.com