It had been over 43 years since I last attended Dimmitt High School as a sophomore. I made a connection with Principal Christine Arnold last year. I told her my story of how I was raised in poverty as a youth and also how I dealt with a life-changing accident. Through hard work and making good choices (growth-mindset) I escaped poverty and overcame many challenges. I informed the principal of my accomplishments in life, first-generation college graduate; played pro football 2 years; software engineer 31 years; retired at age 55, and became an author for the last 12 years. I asked if she would be interested in having me come speak to her students. She was excited and we began the planning.
On Wednesday September 25, 2019, my wife Loni and I left Oregon early in the morning and flew to Denver and then to the Amarillo Airport. We rented a van so we could load two boxes of books for a book signing at Rhoads Memorial Library on that Saturday. I cannot express the great feeling it was to be back in Texas where I was raised as a youth.
As we drove past the Texas towns of Canyon and Hereford we were nearing our destination of Dimmitt. We noticed the huge windmills that are used to produce energy. There were so many changes, but the geographical area was the same as I remember it. The long flat road led us to Dimmitt. We checked into The Olde Hotel Bed and Breakfast. We wanted a central location in the downtown area so we could see as much of Dimmitt as possible. A huge thank you to Pati Elder for her hospitality. If you ever need a place to stay, I recommend Pati's place.
My lovely wife, Loni, and Me
We were pretty tired from the flight and the Texas-time was two hours ahead of Oregon's time. I was so excited about driving around every part of Dimmitt that I forgot about being tired. I drove straight to NE 4th and Dulin Streets where I grew up in the ghetto side of Dimmitt. Wow! I couldn't believe it ... the first home I remember living in was still standing. It had the same siding my dad put on it (props to my dad). It was pretty run down and sitting vacant. The visual was a little sad -- definitely emotional -- so much subtext. The downtown itself was going through some major construction. The two main streets that run through Dimmitt were all torn up in preparation to build a newly-paved two-lane street. I was told this was a three-year project. Anyone could still get around -- half of the street was opened up.
My wife knew that we had to eat at one of my favorite burger places I had talked about, Mr. Burger! The burgers were still as good as I remember. Shout out to the two teenage workers that requested to take a photo with me. They recognized me from the poster on their fast-food window. The poster was an advertisement for the keynote at the school and the book signing at Rhoads Memorial Library.
My algebra teacher, Libby Cleveland
The first resident we drove to visit was my freshman year algebra teacher's house, Libby Cleveland. We must have spent an hour visiting with Libby. She shared many great memories and her little dog, Lucy, was entertained as well. Libby's husband, Kenneth Cleveland, was one of my mentors when I pretty much lived at the gym playing basketball for hours. He was one of the best coaches I had ever known. He led the Dimmitt Bobcats to many state titles and tournament titles. R.I.P. Kenneth, we'll always remember you. Thank you so much, Libby, for some game DVDs and for coming to most of my Dimmitt events while I was there -- it was fun!
On Thursday September 26 we were up and ready to drive to the high school, slowing down through every major dip on streets. I had forgotten about those dips. We arrived and we walked into the school checking in at the office. The talk was being held at the middle-school auditorium. Wow! It was beautiful and remodeled with new seats, a sound system, etc. This was the old high school where I attended 43 years ago. Dimmitt built a new high school and the old school is now the middle school. The old South Grade Elementary and North Grade Elementary had been torn down and replaced with a new Richardson Elementary School -- beautiful schools. It was sad to learn this since I had so many great basketball memories in the old North Grade Gym.
Keynote was amazing at the new and remodeled auditorium. Q&A with students afterward.
Principal Arnold introduced me and I received a huge round of applause. It was such a huge blessing to have had this opportunity to speak to the students of Dimmitt High School -- it had always been a dream of mine. My talk went for a good 45 minutes and then at the end I asked a few students to come up to the stage and ask any questions they would like. I enjoyed encouraging the students with a motivational talk including my experiences -- challenges and successes.
Donna, Pam, Me, Jim, Carla, and Brenda.
After the keynote I noticed a few of my classmates in the back part of the auditorium. I saw Donna Schilling Reinart, Pam Wall Rickert, Jim Bradford, Carla King, and Brenda Underwood Porsch. That meant so much to me to see them. I know how busy they must have been during a weekday in the morning. I was so thankful. They put a smile on my face.
One of my old neighborhood friends showed up to fix an air conditioner problem. It was great seeing Rudy Martinez after all these years. We were able to visit with Rudy at his house the following day and he even got a key so we could see the inside of my old house that was vacant. Thank you Rudy for your hospitality, and for always being a close friend to our family. I hope you enjoy my autobiography.
Rudy and Me
Angelica, one of the administrators, gave us all a tour of the new football stadium and of the new high school. She then took us to the new Kenneth Cleveland Gymnasium. This stadium is so amazing -- one of the best high-school stadiums I had ever seen -- beautiful! My wife said, "I see why you like purple." The purple colors everywhere brought back great memories. It was so much fun hanging out with the small group. My wife and I were in awe of the new facilities -- impressive. A huge thank you to my classmate, Donna Schilling Reinart, she took us to lunch afterward at the old country club.
We found out from Libby that my 8th-grade coach, Jerry Durham, was still living in Dimmitt. We looked him up and drove straight to his house. It was so good to see my old coach. He taught me so much during my junior-high days. Jerry was a fair coach and great at coaching three sports. I remember him hiring me to help him paint a house one summer. Thank you Coach Durham for all the lessons and great times. We met his wife, and she said we lifted his spirits -- that made me feel good.
Me and my 8th-grade coach, Jerry Durham
While we were in Dimmitt, we were able to catch a JV football game and a varsity volleyball game. Two students asked us if we could come watch them play. We were honored and showed up. It was a fun time.
I sent a message to Mrs. B (Sue Broderson). I wanted to know when we could come visit her. Her response was, "Open the door and yell at me when you are here," or something like that. When we arrived, we did just that and here comes her daughter, Joylene (who was my classmate). She led us to Mrs. B. It was great seeing my freshman and sophomore art teacher from way back. We talked for about an hour or so. Being in her 8th decade, I couldn't believe the amount of energy this lady had -- ha-ha! My wife enjoyed meeting her as well as the other former teachers and classmates. Thank you for sharing your house and stories with us, Mrs B. It was so much fun learning more about you. We will continue our prayers for your health.
My freshman and sophomore art teacher, Sue Broderson
My next event was on Friday morning at KDHN Twister Radio. Jim Bradford and I were trying to make something work, we were supposed to meet at North Gin for coffee, or in my case, hot chocolate. I had a radio interview scheduled and he had another commitment that morning. So we missed the North Gin tour -- bummer! I was happy that I did get to visit with him after the high-school keynote.
The radio show with Todd and Nancy was a lot of fun. Libby and Lucy were there as well. After my interview we hung out for another hour or so just talking and sharing stories. I didn't realize how much work Todd and Nancy put into remodeling the station -- looks great! Thank you KDHN Twister Radio for having me as a guest. Talking to my readers here, If you were not able to listen to the radio show, just go to and scroll down to David Espinoza and click -- you can listen to the entire interview.
Me, Todd, and Nancy at KDHN Twister Radio in Dimmitt, Texas
My wife and I walked around the town a few times. We were the only ones walking in the entire downtown area. The traffic was slow with farm trucks or cars just getting from point A to point B. The empty businesses downtown and construction mess was a little depressing to look at. Some businesses had broken windows. The downtown area was definitely more rundown than I remember 43 years ago. It seemed like there was more activity and new development on the outskirts of Dimmitt. I hope that once the construction is completed more businesses will move into the downtown area to pick up the scene a bit.
We decided to visit several places -- one was the newly built Country View Living, a retirement assisted-living place with a Starbucks and a nice restaurant. I ate one of the best chef salads I had ever tasted. My wife on the other hand, likes trying new foods. She had a wonderful catfish meal. I felt like this place was one of the best places to eat in Dimmitt. I was able to see some old classmates that were working there as well -- Dorothy Rivers and Ola Fay.
The week was going by so fast and the memories I have of Dimmitt caused me to want it to be the same as it was 43 years ago. But the reality was that the only constant thing is change. I was excited for the new development and I was saddened by the downtown area and the emptiness of people hanging out shopping or playing outside. We drove by the old city park where we would hang out playing basketball all night long. I did not see one kid playing at that park. The grass was neglected lacking maintenance ... the tennis and basketball courts had weeds growing all over -- that was sad for me to see. It is what it is -- maybe one day the city can get funds to give it an uplift.
Vee, Me, and Luis at book signing event in Dimmitt
My final event was on Saturday, the book signing that was scheduled at Rhoads Memorial Library in Dimmitt. I'm so thankful for Library Director Gaye Reily. She was supportive of allowing me to hold this event there. I found out she had my new book in her library. This event brought in more of my former classmates, plus a few people I met for the first time. What a nice time it was. I saw some former teachers as well. I was bummed that I didn't get a picture with some of them. Thank you to the people that made time to come out to my book signing event -- it meant so much to me. In 3 hours I signed 21 books, which will help with some of my traveling expenses. Thank you!
Lupe, Margie, Me, Laura, and Bill at book signing event.
We attended a local carnival -- that's nice that they still come around to entertain the people of Dimmitt. It was fun watching the kids go on rides with all of the colorful lights. I remember going to some of those in the early 1970s. After an hour at the carnival we headed back to the Olde Hotel Bed and Breakfast to get some early sleep.
The next morning we were up at 3:00 a.m. to get packed up, to load the van, and to head back to AMA Airport in Amarillo. It was a quiet drive navigating the darkness of the morning and my mind was full of new memories. I kept thinking about all the wonderful people I know that still live in Dimmitt or surrounding areas. I kept thinking about the keynote address at the school, hoping that I encouraged those students. Some might be going through what I did when I was their age. My mind was busy during that drive, just realizing how thankful I was to have known those people from Dimmitt. My thoughts were also on how lucky I was to have a supportive wife like Loni. She was so nice to all of my classmates that she met. She helped me with event setups or in whatever I needed during the events. But mostly, she took time off of her school where she teaches to help me on this important trip -- a full-circle trip to my root territory.
Thank you Dimmitt, Texas, for welcoming a former-growth-mindset Bobcat that had a blast learning and living in Dimmitt.
My home is now in Salem, Oregon, where I have an amazing family that I love ... two boys and two stepdaughters who have given us 9 grandchildren -- what a blessing.
I'll never forget Dimmitt and the friendly people from there. Texas will always have a place in my heart. I love you y'all!