Athletes, Parents, and Sports Fans will Benefit from this Book Signing

Jake (Kid Espi), David, and Matt (Noza) I don’t want this book signing to be about me, I want it to be about you – the public. I’ve done studies on youth sports and I’ve experienced being the parent of two athletes. While the positive aspects in sports dominate the negative elements, there is a dark side to sports. In my presentation I will share with you important information that you must know. This will help you enjoy a productive adventure as a fan, parent, athlete, or coach. I’ll have refreshments available as well. After the short presentations I’ll be there with my staff until 5:30 pm to answer any questions and to sign a book (at a one-time-discount price) for you to take home.

Hi, I’m the author, David Espinoza. Growing up I was a three-sport athlete – I even went on to play two years in a pro league – the NFA (Northwest Football Alliance). My major in college was computer science. I’m not a sports psychologist, but I’ve been around the sports world for roughly 47 years – give or take a few. I’ve also been a parent of two athletes that went through the entire process. Recently I’ve done some studies on youth sports today.

I was a software engineer for 31 years before retiring from my day job last summer. Now I get to do what I really love. I love to write non-fiction and fiction sports stories.

When I had my day job, I started grinding during breaks and lunchtimes. I would write every day – had everything stored in my brain. My mom once asked me, “How do you remember such details from years ago?”

In 2008 my first book was published, NOZA: A True Basketball Success Story – a non-fiction book about our family – focused on my son, Matt. In this book I include a prologue on Candi, my wife at the time who died of brain cancer in 1994. I was left to raise two boys, ages 9 and 11. God and basketball helped us through.

My two boys Matt (Noza) and Jake (Kid Espi) inspired me to chase a dream. I set an example for them on how to work hard at something you love. Watching their actions and how hard they worked at their passion made me feel like they returned the favor. I was motivated and never looked back.

Matt Espinoza is a Southern Oregon University graduate and currently an assistant varsity coach at McKay High School in Salem, Oregon. He is an expert at several trades – a basketball trainer, Bio Signature Certified, and a USA sports performance coach. He is also the founder of Salem Hoops Project (a program that provides free basketball training to less fortunate youths) …  … He will be a presenter on nutrition for the athlete. Matt learned during his high school days that if he was going to get anywhere as an athlete, nutrition would be a big part. I’m excited to hear his presentation. If you’ve read the Noza book, here’s your opportunity to meet Noza.

In 2011 my second book was published, Poor Kid, Wealthy Kid – a sports fiction. This book is based on my experiences as a young kid and some of the challenges I faced. Moving from Texas to Oregon wasn’t easy as a sophomore in high school. This novel is driven through the sport of football. I used my imagination to create all kinds of curves including a romance between Carlos and Liz and a mystery. The diverse setting is Gervais High School where I attended my last two years of high school. I’m currently writing a sequel to this book (coming soon!).

My new release is non-fiction work – The Professor – Grayson Boucher Plus More NW Sports Stories. Grayson is from Keizer, Oregon, and one of the eight stories in my new book. You will experience the lives of these athletes and their families. What obstacles did they face? How did they pursue a dream and reach it? I wanted to hear about their pain and their joy. I want to share these stories with the world. The additional and remarkable athletes in this book are Janelle Weiss, Alex Hurlburt, Avry Holmes, Brooke Chuhlantseff, Daniel Brattain, Brittney Kiser, and Noah Torres. While some of the athletes in my book will be attending the book signing, Grayson will not be there. Come meet the athletes that will be there.

Brothers played against each other in college.

All of my books will be available for sale at a one-time-discount price – but you must be present for this rate. Thank you so much!

Noza: A True Basketball Success Story – discount price $13.00

Poor Kid, Wealthy Kid – discount price $14.00

New Release, The Professor – Grayson Boucher Plus More NW Sports Stories – $15.00

All three books (package deal) $40.00

If you purchase a book, you can enter to win an entire luggage set!

We Hope to see you there Sunday, March 2nd, Time: 3:00-5:30pm, Place: Keizer Heritage Community Center in Keizer, Oregon. Address – 980 Chemawa Road NE, Keizer, OR 97307.

If you have questions, please email me at   thanks!