The Guptill family is finding "Parenting The Athlete" to be a useful book with full of great tips on making sports fun and competitive. The priority is "fun" and why most kids go out for sports. Unfortunately, there are so many things happening right now in the world of sports that are alarming. Winning has become the most important thing to many coaches, parents, athletes, and schools. This has taken the fun out of many kids.
2017 The Guptills with their book, "Parenting The Athlete"
"I loved the book and I feel every parent, guardian, and coach should read it! As I was reading chapter after chapter I kept telling myself, 'I never thought of that!'. The true stories in every chapter supporting what the author wrote were educational and fun to read about. I'm so thankful for getting this book!" Celeste Guptill said.
As an author nothing makes me feel better than to write something that will help parents and provide them with helpful tips and true-short-story situations that they can learn from. I've been an athlete, a coach, and most importantly, a parent. To be honest, parents will read my book and decide what's best for their families, as it should be. I've written fifteen chapters identifying key issues in today's sports and tips on a better direction. Coach Noza, a reliable source, was one of my editors and such a huge help with my content.
I'm not going to be the first person to pick up that stone and throw it. I’ve been around sports for many moons. I was a competitive person in my days, but never thought of the example I was setting to the young kids. Over the years I’ve learned so many things and I want to help in any way I can to make your experience a fun and productive one.
We as parents sometimes want to live our dreams through our kids. Allow them to discover what they enjoy and support them on it. Help them set objectives to eventually reach a goal in the near future.
I also feel like parents that get involved in sports should make an effort to look at sports in positive ways that are enjoyable, rewarding, and fun. That's why the majority of kids go out for sports ... to have fun! Focus more on the skill-development aspect of your child and discuss the improvements they are making every game. Talk about the great things they did in a game and then bring up the skills they could improve on.
Being a good sport isn’t just about controlling our tempers with officials, but it’s also about thinking of other players on the team and not just your own son or daughter. Cheer for every player on the team – football and basketball are team sports not individual sports. Every kid on that team has put in hours of practice all week long – they’ve helped the team get better.
If your child is a multi-sport athlete, pay attention to how much he or she is being over worked. Young bodies are still developing and stress fractures are at risk when the bones are still growing. I can't wait for you to read that chapter.
We’re not perfect, we’re only human. But it’s important that we try our best to set a good example for our younger generation – Lord knows this world really needs it. Sports seasons are supposed to be fun and exciting – although we all want to win, the reality is that one team will end up losing after the game is over.
This is just a little preview on my new book, there is so much more that is covered in the book. You probably already know some of the things that are going on in sports, but it's impossible to know everything.
Go out and support your local grade school, middle school, or college team. Buy refreshments to help the booster clubs – you can’t watch a game without food … or at least I can’t.
I feel that one of the most important things a parent can do is “listen” to your son or daughter and "support" your son or daughter. Ask them if they are having fun and ask how you can help support their passion.
I'm always glad to answer any questions you might have, please email me at
Have a fun and rewarding experience with sports this season, I wish every parent or guardian, and child the best. God bless.