Half Blind With Full Vision: God Was Always With Me


Half Blind With Full Vision: God Was Always With Me


Raised in a poverty lifestyle, as a five-year- old boy, I was traumatized due to a life-changing accident. I was later confined to a hospital bed at St. Anthony's Hospital in Amarillo, Texas. I lost half of my eyesight, but that was only the beginning of my challenging experiences. Growing up was a living nightmare as I discovered how lonely life could be. Kids made fun of my appearance. The jokes continued throughout grade school, junior high, and even high school.
I had doubts about a lot of things in life until God surprised me with yet another talent, or another person in my life. God put opportunities in front of me. God gave me gifts in the world of sports, which became my counseling during my youth.
As a young adult, I faced yet another nightmare. I lost my wife to brain cancer and became a single dad instantly. This was one of the toughest challenges I dealt with. When things happened to me, sometimes it was because of human error, or evil in this world.
And yes, sometimes God allowed certain things to happen for His reasons. God was always there to help me overcome and rise above my darkest hours. When I actually started getting to know Jesus Christ, my faith grew and things started turning around for me.
I didn't write my life story to glorify me, I wrote it to glorify God. Jesus Christ (God the Son) was always there for me, even when I didn't know it. My story is about resilience.

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