Poor Kid, Wealthy Kid II
Poor Kid, Wealthy Kid II
Spiral back to 1980 when kids were talking to each other instead of texting. In this Gervais High School story it’s senior year. Carlos has several life-changing decisions to make. The Edmonton Eskimos, from the Canadian Football League, offer him a great deal. Liz Bradford has acquired two new friends, Kalin Jensen and Brianna Harper. Liz doesn’t agree with him going pro right out of high school. She feels that a college education is more important. Her brother, Harv, feels differently. Dirk Newman has graduated and continues to be the antagonist – a prejudiced bully that lingers around wanting Carlos to fail. This realism-fiction novel is about two high school sweethearts growing up and diving into the challenges of the world. The classroom, senior skip day, graduation, airports, a lost love, and the big game are all brought to life. After graduation day, Carlos and Liz are tested on how strong their love is for each other. Will Carlos accept a two-year contract to play professional football in the Canadian Football League?